Welcome to the Student Disability Services page. Here you will find information relating to disability services and accommodation requests available for students of the Medical College and of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences of Weill Cornell Medicine. We work in partnership with faculty, staff and students to ensure that all aspects of student life are accessible, equitable, and inclusive for all individuals with disabilities.
To ensure that students have a successful and accessible education experience at Weill Cornell, we are committed to protecting the privacy of all learners.
To begin a process of requesting disability services or accommodations, please contact:
- Students in the Medical School:
Associate Dean Keith A. LaScalea (Student Affairs and Student Life)
Assistant Dean Dana Gurvitch (Student Affairs and Student Life)
Assistant Dean Joshua Weaver (Student Affairs and Student Life)
All medical Student Affairs Deans may be reached at: Studentaffairs@med.cornell.edu, 646-962-4413, weekends and evenings.
- Students in the Graduate School:
Judith Cukor, PhD. Assistant Dean of Student Affairs: graduatestudentaffairs@med.cornell.edu, (212) 746-4492
During this initial inquiry, you are encouraged to not disclose any information about the nature of the disability or the nature of the accommodations/services being requested. The Dean of Student Affairs will direct you to the designated system for requesting services. You may be asked questions to help the Dean of Student Affairs best direct your request, but your privacy will be prioritized.
Disability Services and Accommodation Requests
Disability is defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activites.” An individual may also qualify as disabled if they have had an impairment in the past or is seen as disabled based on a personal or group standard or norm. Such impairments may include physical, sensory, and cognitive or intellectual impairments. Mental disorders (also known a psychiatric or psychosocial disability) and various types of chronic disease may also be considered qualifying disabilities. A disability may occur during a person’s lifetime or may be present from birth. Disability can be permanent or short-term.
The Medical College and the Graduate School of Medical Sciences of Weill Cornell Medicine are dedicated to providing equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities. Federal law states that no qualified student will be excluded, denied participation or subjected to discrimination from any program or activity. (Please refer to Student Disability Accommodations website for the three components of the disability accommodation process.)
Possible accommodations include, but are not limited to:
- additional time on exams due to learning disability or psychiatric conditions
- access to academic/ living and all campus buildings due to movement or sensory diability
- need for emotional support animal in housing
- temporary accommodations due to injury/ medical illness
- hearing or visual aids/ interpretation
- housing accommodation due to medical or psychiatric disability
Arrangement of Accommodations & Services
Once there is a determination that services or accommodations are needed, you will collaborate with the Dean of Student Affairs (Dr. Keith LaScalea for the Medical School, and Dr. Judith Cukor for the Graduate School) to arrange all curricular, academic and student affairs-related aspects of your needs.
Any necessary exchange of medical documentation or written or verbal communication regarding disability or services/accommodation takes place between the student and the Dean of Student Affairs in a confidential manner.
Tips for Incoming Students
We remain committed to assisting students as they transition to our Medical and Graduate school. To ensure that we remain at the forefront of providing an inclusive and accessible learning environment, we welcome the discussion of these suggestions in more detail as they pertain to your specific circumstance. Incoming students should contact Dean LaScalea as soon as possible prior to matriculation to discuss potential accommodations. We encourage that incoming students obtain copies of pertinent medical records and documentation of prior disability accommodations, if applicable.